শুধুমাত্র শনাক্তকরণের উদ্দেশ্যে সংগঠনসমূহ এখানে তালিকাভুক্ত করা
Mark Anner
Professor, Labor and Employment Relations, and Political Science, and Director, Center for Global Workers' Rights, Penn State University
Richard Appelbaum
Distinguished Professor Emeritus and former MacArthur Chair in Sociology and Global & International Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara
Dennis Arnold
Associate Professor, Dept. of
Geography, Planning and International Development Studies, University of Amsterdam
Sarveswaran Arulanantham
Director Legal Research Unit, University of Colombo/Faculty of Law (specialised in Labour), University of Colombo
Santi Indra Astuti
Lecturer, Faculty of Communication, Fikom UNISBA, Indonesia
Tim Bartley
Professor of Sociology, Washington University in St. Louis
Joanne Bauer
Adjunct Professor, School of International and Public Affairs, Senior Researcher, Institute for the Study of Human Rights, Columbia University, and CoFounder of Rights CoLab
Dr. Ned Bertz
Associate Professor, Department of
History, University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
Garrett D. Brown (MPH, CIH)
Coordinator, Maquiladora Health & Safety Support Network, USA
Michael Childers
Professor, Department of Labor Education, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Tim Connor
Senior Lecturer, Newcastle Law School, University of Newcastle
Rahul De
Assistant Professor (Economics), School of Arts and Sciences, Azim Premji University, India
Dr. Héctor L. Delgado
Professor of Sociology, Emeritus,
University of La Verne; Executive Officer, Society for the Study of Social Problems
Ritu Dewan
(Retd). Director of the Department of Economics, University of Mumbai/ Vice President – Indian Society of Labour Economics
Manoj Dias-Abey
Lecturer in Law, University of Bristol
Peter Evans
Professor Emeritus, University of
California, Berkeley
Stephen Frenkel
Emeritus Professor, UNSW Business School, Sydney Australia
Gerald Friedman
Professor of Economics, University
of Massachusetts at Amherst
Chad Alan Goldberg
Professor of Sociology, University
of Wisconsin–Madison
Samuel Gultom
Part-time Lecturer, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Indonesia
Jerome R. Hoffman
MA MD, Professor Emeritus of
Medicine, UCLA School of Medicine
Lecturer, Department of Political Science Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia
Matthew Ari Jendian
PhD, Professor of Sociology,
California State University, Fresno, USA
Jean Jenkins
Cardiff University
Inna Junaenah
Lecturer, Faculty of Law, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Meredith Katz
Assistant Professor, Sociology,
Virginia Commonwealth University, USA
Daniel Kinderman
Associate Professor, University of Delaware
Katherine Callen King
Professor Emerita, Comparative
Literature and Classics, University of California Los Angeles
Genevieve LeBaron
Professor of Politics, University of Sheffield
Sumanasiri Liyanage
(Retd). Professor, Department of Economics University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
John Logan
Director of Labor and Employment Studies, San Francisco State University
Stephanie Luce
Professor of Labor Studies, City University of New York
Stephen McFarland
Associate Prof. of Labor Studies at
California State University, Dominguez Hills
Navdeep Mathur
Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management - Ahmedabad, India
Benjamin McKean
Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Ohio State University
Gayatri Menon
Associate Professor, School of Development, Azim Premji University, India
Jeroen Merk
University of Edinburgh
Alessandra Mezzadri
SOAS University of London
Dev Nathan
Visiting Professor, Institute for Human Development, India
Annelise Orleck
Professor of History, Dartmouth
Sanjay Pinto
Fellow, Worker Institute at Cornell and Rutgers School of Management and Labor Relations
R. Ramakumar
Professor, School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (Mumbai), India/ Member of the Kerala State Planning Board, India
Robert J. S. Ross
PhD, Vice-President, Sweatfree
Purchasing Consortium, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, Clark University
Prof. Dr. Elke Schüßler
Johannes Keppler University, Austria
Victor Silverman
Professor, Department of History,
Pomona College
David A. Smith
Professor of Sociology & Urban
Planning, UC-Irvine; Editor, International Journal of Comparative Sociology
K.R. Shyam Sundar
Professor, Xavier School of Management -Jamshedpur, India
Vandana Swami
Faculty, School of Development, Azim Premji University, India
Jayan Jose Thomas
Associate Professor (Economics), Indian Institute of Technology -Delhi/ Member of the Kerala State Planning Board, India
Alex M. Thomas
Assistant Professor (Economics), School of Arts and Sciences, Azim Premji University, India
Chris Tilly
Professor of Urban Planning and Sociology, Chair of Department of Urban Planning, University of California, Los Angeles
Nathan Wilmers
Assistant Professor, Work and Organization Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Dale Wimberley
Associate Professor, Department of
Sociology, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Herlambang P. Wiratraman
Senior Researcher, Center of Human Rights Law Studies (HRLS), Indonesia
Lydia Zepeda
Professor Emerita, University of
Wisconsin-Madison; Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science